Asian Skylift
Skylift is not all about the height.
Height is not everything!
By buying a skylift from us will definitely bring you to another world of truck aerial platform.
Our company have couple years of experience in skylift operation, maintenance. Over the year we found that standard brand/manufacturer have number of problem and issues which not able to solve by European Skylift. Let us introduce Asian Skylift to Malaysia to solve once for all.
Do you ever facing wiring/electronic problem with european skylift? High troubleshooting cost? Today with our Asian Skylift that we introduce to Malaysia, you will found it much more easy and cheaper to maintain. Dual operating control system, either by remote control or level control. It can be operate simultaneously! Awaresome!
Do you ever experience narrow space at work place end up you need a higher capacity skylift for your job? No worry, today we introduce Asian Skylift to you which is smaller in turning radius and size. Definitely our skylift can enter narrow space and park closer to your work target. This will keep save on your pocket.
Compare to European Skylift we have advantage in term of maintenance as well. We have no cable lay inside the boom, you definitely no need to worry high cost & long downtime for boom dismantling.
Moreover our hydraulic system and hoses are lay outside the outrigger. Fantastic! Any oil leak can spot easily and change immediate with less manpower and short downtime.
Dont be leave behind with trend of technology change, you should move ahead far from your competitor! Send us your enquiry! We will show you more! Dont worry, you will never regret with our “Asian Skylift”
More Skylift For Sales >>eYard
Safety – The use of a wireless remote control eliminates the need for the operator to be in direct contact with a running machine. This means the operator can position themselves in a safer manner, farther away from moving parts, harmful dust, noise and vibration or falling debris that may occur.
Ease of Use – Moving your fingers or pushing a button to run the equipment is much easier compared to level control in operator cabin.

Backup system – In case wireless remote control system malfunction, operator can switch to level control immediately without job interruption.
Conventional system – Alternative way of control for your operator if he not familiar with wireless remote control.

Our skylift are mounted on 6 wheels truck which is much more smaller size compared to conventional skylift in market.
For example the skylift up to 60 meter all are mounted on 6 wheels truck. It is very comfortable to drive on the road, even is can make you turn in to narrow space.
It design for safety, with extendable and wide outrigger coverage, definitely is it safety for high rise.
Skylift bucket equipped with gear enable 360deg rotation make it more efficient for high rise work. User on the bucket can access desired point with less frequency of boom retracting
Tilting bucket – More ergonomic for stuff moving in/out from bucket.