Air Compressor
Diesel-driven, our wide range of compressors, air hoses, dryers, receivers, collectors… guarantees a top quality air supply at any pressure level and flow:
- Low pressure: up to 4 bar compressor set-ups for process air, aeration systems, pneumatic conveying…
- Medium pressure: 4 to 12 bar compressors for piping, refining, textile and paper industry…
- High pressure: 13+ bar compressors for onshore, drilling, mining, construction…
The air compressors are suitable for usage in Oil and Gas industry, Construction sites. They can be used for varies application such as Sand Blasting, Coring, Sand Pump and etc. Our fleet of air compressors varies from 185cfm to 750cfm.
- Cost-effective compressed air
Oil-free air
Mobile and containerized units for all applications!
What we take care for you?
The important part with this air compressor rental is the reliability and maintenance services over the rental period. Therefore, extreme care should be taken before handover to customer avoid breakdown during operation at site.
When hiring air compressor services for your construction, building, and engineering works, it’s very paramount you check out the efficiency of the rental company, as well as, the type of air compressor they house.
Huge Heavy Machinery has over 20 years of experience and expertise in the machinery rental industry, and supply high quality machinery in Perak, Malaysia, as well as, provides excellent customer service for all our customers in the surrounding area.
Our team of work force will assist and ensure the smooth running as per work schedule for your projects in Perak Malaysia.
Contact us today!